Finding Your Voice and Opening the Throat Chakra:
I have secretly (not-so-secret) been working on my throat chakra for a couple years now. It's one of my favorite 'least favorite' things. Our throat, or the 5th chakra is about expression and owning our voice. Coming into our throat chakra and recognizing what our truth is and being able to express that in an authentic and genuine way is a talent that is irreplaceable. If our 5th chakra is out of balance we can feel non-focused, indecisive, or even unable to own our own authority or ideas. Ideally, everything we express to the world would be honest and pure. But, we all know we say things we don't mean and there are times when we hold back, 'people-pleasing' ourselves out of our own authenticity.
Facts: I both am a people pleaser, an over-talker, and have thyroid issues.....mmmm.....Yeah, the golden invitation has my name written ALLLL over it. I get it.
First Task:
Drink a cup of Hot Lemon Water
Hot lemon water cleanses and coats the throat, allowing it feel safe and lubricated for expression and use. It's also helpful in our digestion and clears the esophagus and thyroid.
Mantra Girl – Gobinday - Spotify or Youtube
This is a long chant, so feel free to set a timer for 5-10 minutes. "Gobinday Mukanday", also called the Guru Gaitri mantra, is a powerful tool to clear the subconscious mind and according to Yogi Bhajan, master of Kundalini yoga, clear deep-seated blocks. He also said this mantra could balance the hemispheres of the brain and bring patience and compassion to the listener.
Cheat sheet for the words:
Gobinday, Mukanday, Udaaray, Apaaray, Hariang, Kariang, Nirnaamay, Akaamay
Simple Yoga Flow
Just repeat it once or twice on each side
Standing Heart Opener
Be sure to slightly bend your knees and tuck your tailbone slightly. I usually use my inhale to squeeze elbows together behind back, slightly tuck tail bone, then the exhale to gently bend the knees, open the chest and bend back as much as feels comfortable
Forward fold - opposite elbows
Warrior 2 - hands up - eyes closed - palms up, slightly bend elbows and open heart
For this particular sequence of poses, I recommend closing your eyes and turning your palms up, take a few breaths there and then try bending your elbows just slightly to open the chest. It feels real juicy and powerful.
I'm not this flexy either. Don't fret. Just put your bottom hand on the inside of your front leg. You can move it as high or low as you need to feel like your chest can open. Triangles are the strongest geometrical shape, so be gentle with your body in it's progression so you can embody that:).
Twist in lunge
I recommend having your bottom hand on the INSIDE of your front leg. Back leg is strong and twist from the belly as much as you can, not the shoulders.
Lunge on knee - heart opener
This one feels good to go deep and lengthen out your lunge a bit, especially if you are warmed up and wanna open up the heart space a bit. Squeeze inner thighs together without moving legs, it will provide balance and stability.
Vinyasa -Moving through plank pose (inhale) - Chaturunga (push up lowering - exhale) - cobra (inhale) - downward dog (exhale)
In downward dog, walk your hands to the the back of your mat, towards your feet. You'll then be in a forward fold. Roll up to standing and take a GIANT step forward, signifying stepping into your own self, body, and purpose. Stand tall at the front of your mat and bring your hands to your heart.
Other side
Optional additional poses
Eagle arms - fold elbows down to knees after a few breaths
Wrap one arm under the other, kinda like a twisty pretzel. You don't have to bring palms facing each other, just twist as much as you can. Then lift your shoulders, shift them back and then down. Lift your elbows slightly and gently move your forearms an inch or two forward. You should feel a deep stretch in your upper back. Breathe slow and deep here for 4-5 breaths.
Camel pose - modified and full posture
I recommend this version of the pose if you've never done it before or if you just want a more gentle, safer option. Very similar to the standing backbend at the beginning.
Paschimottanasana - seated forward fold
Again, I'm not a rubber band, I'm on the far other end of that spectrum. So, in a seated position with your legs straight and feet gently flexed, just inhale and lift your arms up and lengthen your spine, then exhale and allow that length to guide your arms down to rest wherever on your legs they may. Breathe deep and go deeper on your exhales.
Last Task - And this is both the most simple and the most difficult
Ok, your last task is to either journal or actually yell some things. Yep, I want you to pick 4 statements on your mind right now, that if you could yell out to the world, no repercussions, what would they be? They can be angry, happy, excited, sad, whatever it is, I want you to either yell them out (preferred), or journal them.
Good luck!