Reading List - Summer 2015
A list of the things I currently am and have been inspired by this Summer:
This book shifted a lot for me
I haven't soared through a book like this in a while. So many times it would just hit me, "yes! This is true! This is what we should be talking about....and in THIS way!" It hit something very real in me. Please read it. It's honesty and ability to charge the feminine outlet of strength and magnetism is invigorating and graciously brutal. I ignored it for a few months on my book shelf. I knew it had been 'recommended' to me by all those algorithms on the inter webs that claim to know my soul (spotify, amazon, goodreads....I call out your witch magic right here, right now!), but my pride didn't want the hit of a 'self-help' book. I promise it's not that. It's a self book. For women, men, parents, everyone. It kindles a beautifully vulnerable and hilarious fire in me. It's inspiring my writing to be more honest, less apologetic, and more open in general. It's also pushing me to just write. Share your truth. No one else can.
It almost reminded me of the dramatic vision board junk show intensive I went on after reading THIS book - Seriously though, be prepared for a creative vomit on your floor. Might not look (or smell) pretty.
I'm still in the beginning stages of this one, but I have some pretty big guesses that it's going to be a BIG deal in my life. The whole use of ancient stories mixed with current psychology and pscyhe evaluation is breathtakingly perfect. I LOVE the interpretation of a wild woman. Poor boyfriend, friends, family, random and innocent strangers walking down the're going to be hearing about it. Run now. You've been warned. To hell with all of you and your need for 'civil conversation,' anyway.
After the Ecstasy, the Laundry
So, being all enlightened and 'zenned' is cool and shit. does one life a normal life? And how do we just be a conversational, non-hair-eating weirdo in hemp pants and still feel a beautiful connection to our practice? This book is solid in that question and answer. It's so poignant for my own practice right now. I feel such beautiful grace and connection, then I get off my mat and want to wrangle the neck of the weirdo who keeps parking in my spot. SO WHAT if you have a limp, NOT MY PROBLEM! This book has indeed been both needed and gracious in it's explanation of what a lifelong practice looks like, in the real world, and the bliss. Acceptable for all spiritual practices....scouts honor (from a non scout, who desperately always wanted to be one).
Because it's adorable. And I actually learned a ton. But mostly, it's adorable and makes me insanely happy every time I look at my bookshelf. I just like thinking my little book chickens are cockling (cockling?) and happy as can be in their paper farm. Ah.....
Am I right, or am I right?
Rumi is a poet from a long time ago. Read his story first. HIs words are shockingly current and understandable for a common 'tweeter' generation such as myself. I read some Rumi either before or after I write or practice yoga or meditation. His words are perfect and elegant in a way that allows me to be that way with myself. I'm grateful for a wise yoga teacher that introduced me to him. DON'T BE SCARED OF POETRY! I know, it can feel forced and just....too much. But there's something in the purposeful rhythm and language or Rumi. I swear. Give it a chance. If you hate it, you can burn it in the woods with Walden and his cabin.
Community of the Spirit
“There is a community of the spirit.
Join it, and feel the delight
of walking in the noisy street
and being the noise.
Drink all your passion,
and be a disgrace.
Close both eyes
to see with the other eye.
Open your hands,
if you want to be held.
Sit down in the circle.
Quit acting like a wolf, and feel
the shepherd’s love filling you.
At night, your beloved wanders.
Don’t accept consolations.
Close your mouth against food.
Taste the lover’s mouth in yours.
You moan, “She left me.” “He left me.”
Twenty more will come.
Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thought!
Why do you stay in prison
when the door is so wide open?
Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.
Live in silence.
Flow down and down in always
widening rings of being.”
Let me know what you're reading. I'm picky and holy crap it takes a lot for me to actually focus on an entire book (hence why most of these are VERY doable in 'section-style' reading). But I cherish good words that make me think, or help me imagine, challenge me, or even just make me feel in general. Apparently the whole reading craze isn't going anywhere....and it's 'good for us,' so, might as well join that bandwagon:). Share good finds with me and each other. I think it's important to share what's moving us. Who knows, it could shift all of us.
Go reading. Boo math;)