Aging with Grace
PC: notesondesign
Aging gracefully, even the concept of 'grace' has been a topic I find myself tussling around in the ol' noggin a lot these days. What does it mean to live gracefully, not just in movement or in demeanor, but how to treat myself and others with grace. I find that my favorite people are usually those 60+ and I think I've realized a tad why:
I, Rachelle, truly, deeply, in my deepest crevice of existence believe that I am 62.
Yep. It's true. I could be convinced of 61 or maybe even 60, but for the most part, I think my soul is happiest being 62. I don't feel like I'm declining in health, nor am I 'old' or crotchety, I simply feel a connection with those beautiful young-at-heart delights of people who have enough experience to know what matters and what doesn't. I also find their jokes to be more humorous.
Anyway, I look at my peers and our society in America as a whole, and while I'm not above most of the things I find crappy, I feel we are going to be a bunch of sorry saps, not only for how we are treating our bodies (extremes on both not enough exercise and WAY too much), but also in how we treat and view aging.
I watched this TED Talk and I felt a wave of inspiration, "Yes! This is it! He is saying the words that have been in my brain.....and he's saying them a lot more efficiently, to be certain."
I love being young, able, full of hope, ideas and blissful naiveté. But, I also hope my choices now will help create some of the best, most 'golden' years I can muster. Never losing sight of my Sankalpa, or my resolve for why I get up in the morning, not just when I retire, but every day.
Wellness for me is every single day. No day is worth sacrificing. That may be my downfall in any sort of medical school or political campaign endeavor, but I don't regret saying that most days I would do over again. I hope I only get better at that with age, and perhaps a bit more graceful too.
A dear friend also sent me this article in response to the video. I think her words are poignant and perfect. Alliteration man, what a treat;).